Instill the values of wildlife conservation in all ages!
The Go Fish Center offers educational programs that include on-site classroom programs, public workshops and seminars. Classroom programs are interactive, hands-on lessons that align to the Georgia Performance Standards. Project WET, WILD and Learning Tree activities are available for classroom programs. Live fish and wildlife exhibits, fishing simulators, educational displays and a theater offer several entry points for teaching conservation. The Go Fish Center also holds public, conservation-centered, educational workshops and seminars.
Come and visit the Go Fish Center and experience wildlife conservation in a whole new way!
Fishing Workshops
Join us at our workshops covering a wide variety of topics to strengthen your fishing skills! Regular admission rates apply ($7 per adult /event).
View our 2024 Workshop Flyer
Fishing Day Camps
The Go Fish Education Center is offering fishing day camps for children ages 7–15.
View our 2024 camp flyer
Toad-ally Toddlers
Parents, grandparents,and toddlers are invited to join us for this monthly educational program which explores different topics each month.
View our 2025 Toad-ally Toddlers Flyer
Guided Field Trips
Download a special flyer with more details for planning a group visit. For more information contact Chrystal Sherwood at or 478-988-7187.
Homeschool Program
This program caters to individual homeschool families. Designed for K–6th grade students.
View our 2025 Homeschool flyer
Self-Guided Visits
Not interested in a field trip? No problem, bring your group and enjoy the center at your own pace. It is also fun for kids to follow the gallery scavenger hunt. On average visitors spend 45–90 minutes touring and fishing. Check out our calendar for dates and times available for self-guided visits. When planning your visit, we appreciate a “heads-up” so we can ensure you have the best experienced possible.
Scavenger Hunts
Kids love to participate in our gallery scavenger hunt! We offer 3 different hunts.
Georgia Fish Art
The Go Fish Education Center is home to the Georgia Fish Art Contest.
Got a young artist residing in your home? Be sure to encourage them to enter Wildlife Forever’s annual Fish Art contest. This contest is open to kids in Grades K–12, but the deadline for entries is February 28—and you have to enter to win!
Students across the United States and internationally have the opportunity to win prizes and recognition while learning about fish species, behaviors, aquatic habitats, and conservation. Using art, this contest ignites children’s imagination while teaching them about fish and fishing.
The Fish Art Contest offers many different award categories to recognize our contestants’ unique talents and to focus on important conservation topics and issues. To enter, young artists create an original illustration of their chosen fish species from the Official Fish List. An essay, story or poem based on species behavior, habitat and/or conservation needs is also awarded.
More information about this annual competition.
Other DNR Educational Opportunities
For more DNR education programs and services, please visit our education website at